Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011: No Change in Overall Drug Use, but Encouraging Reductions in Specific Drug Categories

This year survey results, released in December 2011, indicate that overall drug use, as measured by past month use of any illicit drug, in each of the three grades was unchanged from last year.

That is, there were no statistically significant changes. However, a number of drug categories showed statistically significant reductions between 2010 and 2011 for some grades. These include the following declines:

  • Past-year use of Vicodin among 10th graders (7.7% to 5.9%)

  • Past-year use of any illicit drug, including inhalants, among 8th graders (20.3% to 18.2%)

  • Past-year use of inhalants among 8th graders (8.1% to 7.0%)

  • Past-year use of inhalants among 10th graders (5.7% to 4.5%)

  • Past-year use of crack cocaine among 12th graders (1.4% to 1.0%)

  • Past-year use of amphetamines among 10th graders (7.6% to 6.6%)

  • Past-year use of tranquilizers among 8th graders (2.8% to 2.0%)

  • Past-year use of over-the-counter cough/cold medicine among 12th graders (6.6% to 5.3%)

  • Past-month use of hallucinogens other than LSD among 12th graders (1.5% to 1.2%)

  • Past-year and past-month use of Ecstasy among 8th graders (2.4% to 1.7% and 1.1% to 0.6%, respectively) and

  • Past-year use of androstenedione (a steroid) among 12thgraders (1.5% to 0.7%)

  • A Call for Action: New Information on the Use of Synthetic Marijuana 

    One of the most noteworthy findings of the latest MTF survey involved the use by 12th graders of synthetic marijuana (specifically “Spice” and “K2”), which consists of leaves of an ordinary plant sprayed by chemicals that mimic the mind-altering effects of marijuana.

    The 2011 MTF study included for the first time a question on past-year use of synthetic marijuana among high school seniors. The results indicate that the prevalence of use in the past year among 12th graders was estimated at 11.4%. Synthetic marijuana ranks as the second most frequently used illicit substance, after marijuana, among high school seniors.

    Action to Address This New Threat:

  • In September 2011, the DEA used its emergency scheduling authority to ban the sale of the chemicals used to manufacture K2 and Spice.

  • ONDCP has brought together public health and safety agencies from across the Federal Government to share data and coordinate the Federal response to new synthetic drugs.

  • The House of Representatives passed legislation that would ban synthetic drugs to include those marketed as “bath salts”.(And many states have taken action to ban the chemicals found in K2 and Spice, as well.)

  • Given the latest data, ONDCP will be reaching out to a nationwide network of state and local public health and safety organizations to provide them with the latest information on this public health threat and spur action at the local level.

  • Information Above is Courtesy of the: Office of National Drug Control Policy

    Friday, December 23, 2011

    Give your Child the Gift of Knowledge - Talk to Them About Prescription Drug Abuse

    One of the biggest dangers facing our youth today is the abuse of prescription drugs, and abuse rates are increasing at an alarming rate. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, one in five teens say they have taken a prescription drug without having a prescription for it themselves. In addition, 2,500 teenagers use a prescription drug to get high for the first time every day with many accessing these drugs readily available in their parent’s medicine cabinet.

    Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab wants parents to learn the dangers of prescription drug abuse, as well as steps they can take to prevent it.

    Teens are abusing prescription drugs for a variety of reasons. In some cases, they are using to party and get high, but some are also using to “manage” their lives. Many teens are abusing pain relievers like Lortab or Oxycontin to cope with academic, social or emotional stress.

    Some are also abusing prescription amphetamines to lose weight; some are abusing prescription medications such as Ritalin or Adderall to give them additional energy and ability to focus when they’re studying or taking tests. Ultimately, many who are using are doing so because they are addicted and cannot stop.

    Many people do not equate the dangers of prescription drug abuse with those of illicit drugs. However, one can easily overdose by mixing prescription drugs with over-the-counter mediation and/or alcohol. In addition, the longer-term use of prescription pain relievers and other prescription medications are potentially addictive.

    So, this Holiday Season we suggest that you give your child the gift of knowledge on prescription drug abuse. Visit websites reporting on the subject and show them the end result of teens that have abuse prescription drugs. In addition to talking to your children about the dangers of prescription drug use and setting clear concise rules about them the same way you do about illicit drugs and alcohol use, there are steps you can take to prevent prescription drug abuse. The Partnership at DrugFree.org, suggests three basic steps to take: monitor, secure and dispose.

    Monitor - Parents are in an influential position to immediately help reduce teen access to prescription drugs because these drugs are found in the home.

    Start by taking note of how many pills are in each of your prescription bottles or pill packets.

    Keep track of your refills. This goes for your own medication, as well as for your teens and other members of the household. If you find you need to refill your medication more often than expected that could indicate a problem.

    If your teen has been prescribed a drug, be sure you control the medication, and monitor dosages and refills.

    Make sure your friends and relatives – especially grandparents – are also aware of the risks. Encourage them to regularly monitor their own medicine cabinets.

    If there are other households your teen has access to, talk to those families as well about the importance of helping safeguard medications.

    Secure - Teens abuse prescription drugs because they are easily accessible, and either free or inexpensive. Approach your prescriptions the same way you would other valuables in your home, like cash or jewelry.

    Take prescription medications out of the medicine cabinet and hide them in a place only you know about.

    If possible, keep all medicines, both prescription and over- the-counter, in a safe place, such as a locked cabinet your teen cannot access.

    Tell relatives, especially grandparents, to lock their medications or keep them in a safe place.

    Talk to parents of your teenager’s friends. Encourage them to secure their prescriptions.

    Dispose – Safely disposing expired or unused prescription medications is an important step in helping to protect your teens. Take an inventory of all the prescription drugs in your home. Start by discarding expired or unused prescription drugs, when your teens are not home.

    Unbelievable though it may seem, teenagers will retrieve discarded prescription drugs from the trash. To help prevent this from happening, mix the medication with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter. Put the mixture into an empty can or bag and discard.

    Unless the directions on the package say otherwise, do not flush medications down the drain or toilet.

    To help prevent unauthorized refills and protect your and your family’s privacy, remove any personal, identifiable information from the prescription bottles or pill packages before you throw them away. 

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011

    Synthetic Marijuana May Pose an Even Greater Psychosis Risk

    According to a news release from the DEA at the time of the ban, synthetic cannabis (smokeable herbal products, Spice) have become especially popular with teens and young adults because they are marketed as being legal while containing chemicals that supposedly mimic THC.

    "Young people are being harmed when they smoke these dangerous 'fake pot' products and wrongly equate the products' 'legal’ retail availability with being 'safe,' “added DEA administrator Michele M. Leonhart in the news release.

    "These chemicals, however, have not been approved by the FDA for human consumption, and there is no oversight of the manufacturing process," writes the DEA. Synthetic cannabis is often labeled as "herbal incense" and reportedly causes cannabis-like psychoactive effects. Its use led to hundreds of visits to emergency departments since 2010.

    Synthetic cannabis products pose a risk for psychosis in users, including those with no prior history of a psychiatric disorder. Spice may pose an even greater risk of psychosis when compared with the natural product as it lacks the antipsychotic protective agents found in natural cannabis. These findings were presented at the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) 22nd Annual Meeting & Symposium.

    Alan J. Budny, PhD, from the Center for Addiction Research at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, warns parents that some teens use synthetic cannabis to "beat the tests" done to detect marijuana use. As Spice does not get picked up on the regular drug tests parents should look for more sensitive tests that are now being developed and marketed to test synthetic marijuana.

    Friday, December 16, 2011

    Teens Who Can Express Themselves Are More Likely to Avoid Drugs

    New research shows that teens who are able to express themselves to their moms are better able to resist peer pressure and say no to drugs and alcohol.

    The findings appear in Allen J.P. Child Development, 2011

    Researchers interviewed more than 150 teens and their parents about substance use and abuse, daily interactions, and relationships with friends. The teens who were able to hold their own in discussions with their moms particularly about grades, money, rules, and friends were better prepared to stand up to their peers, the study showed.

    “Parents who can have the right kind of discussions with their kids are setting their children up to handle peer influences,” says study author Dave Szwedo. He is a doctoral student at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

    What are the right kinds of discussions? “They are calm and reasonable,” he says. “They are not based on shouting or whining. They allow kids a chance to be heard.”

    The findings make sense to says Gail Saltz, MD, a New York City-based psychiatrist who has teen daughters. “The mother-daughter relationship is a template for a lot of future relationships and how to manage them,” she says.

    Adolescence is the time of finding your own identity. “Disagreement is part of this gig, and some parents and kids deal with this better than others,” Saltz says.

    Home needs to be a place where  teens can process emotions -- pain, disappointment, and anxiety -- in a healthy way, if they can’t, they may turn toward drugs and alcohol or be more susceptible to peer pressure.

    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    What is the Difference Between "Opioids" and "Opiates"?

    Opiates are drugs derived from opium. Opioids used to refer to synthetic opiates (drugs created to emulate opium, however different chemically). Now the term Opioid is used for the entire family of opiates including natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic.

    An opioid is any agent that activates opioid receptors (protein molecules located on the membranes of some nerve cells) found principally in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. There are four broad classes of opioids:
    • Endogenous opioid, naturally produced in the body, endorphins
    • Opium alkaloids, such as morphine and codeine
    • Semi-synthetic opioids such as heroin oxycodone, and Buprenorphine
    • Fully synthetic opioids, such as methadone, that have structures unrelated to the opium alkaloids
    Medical professionals use the word "opioid" to refer to the entire family of opioids, and the word "opiate" for a specific non-synthetic opioid, however, many only use "opioid". Consistent with the current definition, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab’s website uses "opioid" to refer to all opioids and opiates.

    Monday, December 12, 2011

    Adolescent Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Comorbidities

    Substance use disorders have a serious impact on adolescents because these disorders have high prevalence rates and frequent associations with psychiatric disorders. Surveys of adolescent behaviors and substance use show that alcohol is the most common substance abused by adolescents. Despite the high rates of current alcohol use and binge drinking among adolescents, current diagnostic criteria are problematic. Adolescents may have a developing problem with substance dependence but not meet criteria for either substance abuse or dependence. At-risk adolescents, called "diagnostic orphans," may meet only 1 or 2 criteria for alcohol dependence and no abuse criteria and therefore do not receive an alcohol use disorder diagnosis from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Adolescents with substance use disorders tend to have higher rates of comorbid psychiatric disorders and are more likely to report a history of trauma and physical and/or sexual abuse than adolescents without a substance use disorder. In addition, psychiatric disorders in adolescents often predate the substance use disorder. Once the substance use disorder develops, the psychiatric disorder may be further exacerbated.

    Information above has been compiled from: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Parents Talk to your Teens About the Dangers of Energy Drinks

    With highly caffeinated energy drinks continuing to fly off stores shelves, physicians have raised serious concern over the consumption of such dangerous drinks, particularly those purchased and consumed by adolescents and children.

    Best selling drinks contain about 80 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce serving but many products can contain up to 500 milligrams of caffeine which can cause dangerous side effects such as heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea and other complications which can be life threatening.

     FDA regulations prohibit caffeine contents over 71 milligrams per 12 ounce in soft beverages, but  fail to apply the same limits for energy drinks labeled as “dietary supplements”. Furthermore, manufacturers are exempt from listing caffeine content or all ingredients on the label, often using marketing terms such as "energy blend" or "proprietary blend” to boost their sales and elude FDA regulations.

    Despite the controversy surrounding energy drinks and its consumption by athletes, many athletes confess to consuming energy drinks in order to increase their alertness and energy which ultimately enhances their performance. Many even equate energy drinks with coffee and strongly believe the use of popular energy drinks should not been outlawed or banned before athletic activity, as the active ingredient of most energy drinks is caffeine, a legal stimulant.

    So with more and more energy drink manufacturers producing a wide variety of energy drinks, shots and dietary supplements in order to target vulnerable populations such as athletes, teens and children, parents need to monitor their children while discussing the dangers of popular energy drinks and supplements repeatedly advertised on TV.

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    The American Psychiatric Association uses the term “substance dependence” in place of “addiction

    The American Psychiatric Association uses the term “substance dependence” in place of “addiction” however the two terms are synonymous, or more precisely “substance dependence” = “substance addiction” (since gambling addiction is not substance dependence) and is defined as a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress.

    To meet the criteria of Substance Dependence (addiction) as defined in the DSM-IV, a patient must meet 3 or more of the following occurring any time in the same 12-month period:

    1, Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
    (a) A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or the desired effect
    (b) Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.

    2. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
    (a) The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance
    (b) The same (or closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.

    3. The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended.

    4. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use.

    5. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects.

    6. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use.

    7. The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (for example, current cocaine use despite recognition of cocaine-induced depression or continued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer
    was made worse by alcohol consumption).

    Due to the resulting confusion between the terms "physical dependence" and "substance dependence" there is some talk within the industry of reintroducing the term "addiction" because it is better understood and may pose less chance of confusion.

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    Adolescent Addiction Treatment

    There are many types of adolescent addiction treatment programs. Adolescent addiction treatment types are determined by the adolescent's level of use and other mental health and medical issues.

    Detoxification, short-term and long-term adolescent addiction treatment, intensive addiction treatment outpatient programs, 12-step programs and individual, family and group therapy are all forms of addiction treatment. Detoxification may be part of an adolescent addiction treatment and it may last one week whereas other such as long-term, residential addiction treatment can last 30 days or longer.

    Each type of adolescent addiction treatment program has its own advantages. Including parents in the adolescent’s addiction treatment is critical to success, so a good adolescent addiction treatment facility includes parents and family in their adolescent addiction therapy programs.

    Adolescent Addiction Treatment Recreational an Alternative Therapies
    Some specialized adolescent addiction treatment facilities, offer recreational and alternative addiction treatment therapies such as sports, art, music therapy and other types of recreational therapies involving team building activities and relaxation. These types of activities will help adolescents complete the treatment and will positively influence their social behavior like team play skills, trust in others, sense of responsibility and self confidence.

    Choosing an Adolescent Addiction Treatment Facility
    Choosing the right adolescent addiction treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment. Due to their developmental needs, when you are choosing an adolescent addiction treatment program, it's important to ensure that the program is specifically for adolescents. Also, if the adolescent has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent addiction treatment facilities provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your adolescent in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

    Getting your Child Addiction Treatment as Soon as the Problem is Identified
    If you have an adolescent struggling with substance abuse please seek help. Most parents recognize when their child needs help, others will need the advice of a doctor, therapist or family member. Whatever your case may be, time is of essence. You need to act fast.

    Inspirations for Youth and Families, will guide you in the right direction identifying and helping you choose the most suitable addiction treatment program and therapies for your child. Prevent a tragic outcome. Don't let your child become a statistic. Give us a call today.

    Adolescent Addiction Treatment
    Free Initial Consultation: 1-888-757-6237 


    Young Adult and Adult Addiction Treatment
    Free Initial Consultation: : 1-888-757-6237 


    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Parents Can Help Prevent Underage Drinking During the Holidays

    Too often parents look the other way when it comes to teen drinking, assuming it is a ‘rite of passage.’ It is not unusual for well-meaning parents to provide alcohol to their teen’s friends at home parties.

    Inspirations Teen Rehab encourages parents to be extra cautious in preventing underage alcohol use during the festive holiday season when traffic fatalities typically rise, as college students are returning home and holiday parties abound.

    According to the Century Council, a group of distillers that works to reduce underage drinking, 17 percent of adults believe it is acceptable for parents to provide alcohol to teens in their own homes.

    A new Teens Today study from Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) reports that 45 percent of high school teens are allowed to drink at home. Almost one in three say they are allowed to mark special occasions, like holidays, with alcohol at home. Over half of teens who say their parents allow them to drink admit to drinking while out with their friends, while only 14 percent of those who aren’t allowed to drink admit to doing so while with friends.

    Parents remember that offering alcohol to person under 21 is a disorderly person’s offense and it is punishable by monetary fines and up to six months incarceration. Possession of alcohol by an underage person is also a disorderly person’s offense, punishable by the same guidelines. Most importantly by encouraging your teen to drink alcohol you are also encouraging a behavior that can turn into an addiction. There is no need to include alcohol on your teen’s celebrations.

    Happy Holidays from all of Us at Inspirations for Youth and Families.

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    As the rates of teen prescription drug abuse continue to pose a public health threat at epidemic levels, many fear their teens will do almost anything in order to get their hands on prescription medication, which can be conveniently obtained in almost every household at practically no cost.

    It is estimated that each day, approximately 2500 teens use some type of prescription medication for the first time, making it the most abused category of drugs in the U.S with the exception of marijuana. National surveys have shown that 1 out of every 4 teens has abused a prescription medication which leads to addiction, experts like Dr. Drew Pinsky believes that the problem is bigger than we think it is.

    “Young people are putting themselves in danger, even dying, because they do not understand how dangerous these otherwise safe prescription medications can be when misused and abused”. Pinsky said.

    Pinsky, who works with a national drug awareness problem known as “Smart Moves, Smart Choices”, believes the first step in preventing prescription drug abuse is to inform teens on the serious consequences they rarely hear about. He also believes that parents should monitor their medicine cabinets and properly dispose of any leftover medication that could potentially fall into the hands of a curious teen. Moreover, Pinsky believes that educators need to take initiative and incorporate projects, assignments and activities that get teens involved with drug related content, in order to enlighten them on the life threatening and potentially fatal consequences they can face if they give into peer pressure, even if the drug is a seemingly innocent cough syrup, nesting in an unattended medicine cabinet.

    Do you know or suspect your child is abusing prescription drugs? He or she might still be in the pre-stages of addiction, either way you know you can't wait to get help.

    If you have any questions, please know that Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab is here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen behavior, substance use, adolescent addiction, teen drug rehab, or other related matters.

    Addiction and Behavior Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237    

    Addiction Treatment for young adults and adults : 1-888-387-6237    

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    New Trend: Vodka-Soaked Gummy Bears

    Consuming “vodka gummy bears” is now considered a dangerous new trend among teens whose parents would never assume an innocent bag of gummy bears lying in the fridge contained alcohol.

    Vodka-soaked gummy bears, a do-it-yourself alcoholic candy, are becoming a national trend and Inspirations Teen Rehab wants parents and teachers to be on the lookout because most of us wouldn’t suspect a child with gummy candy is trying to get drunk.

    While fads come and go, this one might stick around a little longer, as several videos on YouTube have been found given step by step instructions on how to prepare the vodka gummy bears to disguise alcohol consumption. Incidents have already been reported in New York and Nebraska of children soaking the candy in vodka or gin and then bringing the bloated bears to school.

    “Impact”, a local group coaching Milwaukee teens on drug and alcohol prevention, has been reaching out to teens by providing them with young peer counselors they can relate to, which in this case, is an individual from the same generation who faces the same social challenges and peer pressure the teen faces while attending school. Kaela Wojtycski, a peer counselor wants her fellow teens to know that alcohol is not the long term solution to their problems. Wojtycski has said “trying to keep your grades up, balancing between friends and school work just gets to you sometimes. But you know, doing things like drinking, smoking, are just going to add on to your problems."

    The counselors have been able to successfully indentify dangerous fads among teens and work with other counselors in the program in order to discourage drug and alcohol use and promote public awareness on dangerous trends such as “vodka gummy bears”, which can go undetected unless exposed on a larger scale.

    If you have any questions, please know that Inspirations Teen Rehab is here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen alcohol abuse, teen behavior, substance use, adolescent addiction, teen drug rehab, or other related matters.

    Contact us at: 1-888-757-6237

    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    The Growing Problem of Synthetic Drugs

    While many blame illegal drugs for causing accidental deaths and overdoses, many fail to realize that legal synthetic drugs are the underlying cause of a growing number of drug-related incidents.

    Due to its legality and widespread availability, many have turned to synthetic drugs in order to achieve the same effects they were achieving while using illegal drugs. Substances such as “iAroma”, whose fumes are inhaled, were developed to substitute K2 and marijuana, which lead to serious health complications and numerous ER visits by unassuming individuals who believed that if a substance was legal, it could not have major risks. 

    Furthermore, research has shown that in addition to legal substances becoming dangerously popular in the U.S, legally prescribed painkillers are just as culpable, with at least 15,000 deaths occurring from their abuse each year, a number that is higher than heroin and cocaine overdoses combined.

    With a growing number of synthetic drug casualties, schools and community centers should invest in programs that focus on illegal and legal drugs circulating throughout communities in order to raise public awareness and contact authorities and even government legislators to help prevent the distribution and potentially ban any legal substance which poses a public health threat.

    For more information on synthetic drugs and drug rehabilitation visit: 

    Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237    

    Addiction Treatment for Young Adults and Adults: 1-888-387-6237    

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Teen Alcohol Problems Can Start Early: Don't be an Enabler

    While many parents believe it’s harmless to allow their underage teen to drink alcohol during family events and gatherings, they are inadvertently subjecting themselves to potential civil and criminal lawsuits that could bear lifelong consequences for both the teen and the parents.

    The Marlboro Alliance against substance abuse, an organization created to raise awareness about the substance abuse problems many teenagers face in today’s society, recently lectured on the civil and criminal repercussions of parents providing their children with alcohol. The organization emphasized that it is important for parents to understand the liability issues that can arise from a simple scenario such as allowing an underage teen to have glass of wine during a family gathering. They also highlighted the fact that most parents fail to realize that in the event of an automobile accident in which the teen is found guilty of consuming alcohol and getting behind the wheel, the parents who provided the teen with the alcohol or better known as “host parents”, can be convicted with civil liability charges for being negligent and providing a minor with alcoholic beverages.

    Furthermore, regardless of whether an alcohol related incident occurs or not, parents can be held legally responsible for their child’s misconduct, which could also have life threatening consequences for the young teens such as alcohol poisoning or drunk driving.

    In hopes of reducing substance abuse related casualties among teens, the Marlboro Alliance has vowed to continue to provide parents with information regarding alcohol and drugs in addition to informing them on the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and other substance-abuse related complications.

    Teen alcohol abuse has become a great concern for parents in the recent years. Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab understands the legal consequence that results of a teen's poor choice regarding alcohol abuse and behavior. Many times these actions might be an indication of a greater issue such as substance abuse or addiction, a mental health issue such as depression or other diagnosis. If your family is having a difficult time dealing with this situation, call us at our adolescent addiction treatment center.

    Teen Alcohol Problems and Substance Abuse Problems? Call: 1-888-757-6237      

    Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment Center

    Young Adult and Adult Alcohol Addiction Problems? Call: 1-888-387-6237      

    Teens and Marijuana: Why Parents Should not Ignore

    Daily marijuana use among young adults is at its highest levels since 1991. A national survey released in October shows that 17 million Americans — mostly teens or young adults — used pot in 2010. About 40% of those used it on 20 or more days in the past month, up from 36.7% in 2009.

    The director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Nora Volkow, recently stated that “roughly one out of 10 people who try marijuana get addicted" and "young users were more vulnerable than older ones”. She also stated that because research hasn’t been able to identify the underlying reasons why some individuals become addicted and some don’t, it is safer to avoid the substance and its potential dangers. Furthermore, Volkow blames medicinal marijuana for undermining the serious side effects of marijuana by portraying it as beneficial to one’s health. Additionally, Volkow believes that “hearing about the medicinal benefits of marijuana makes people think it must not be harmful”.

    Peter Delany of the Substance Abuse and Mental health Administration believes that marijuana has become the biggest drug problem in the United States considering how the number of its users has more than doubled in the past decade.

    The media also plays an important role in decreasing the social stigma attached to marijuana by portraying it “cool” and “commonly used by every top athlete and celebrity”.

    The widespread ignorance by teens (and some of  their parents) and  the media's general failure is to distinguish between adolescents and adults when they report on marijuana use and its dangers. When you're young and the body is still growing, marijuana actually has the potential of inflicting a long-lasting, negative impact on the developing brain. In addition, using marijuana at a young age can result in structural and functional deficits of the brain. This could develop weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities and a shortened attention span.

    Parents concerned about their impressionable teenagers can get involved by monitoring their teen’s circle of friends and openly communicating about the dangerous side effects of marijuana that is rarely discussed in the media.

    For more information on teen marijuana abuse and teen marijuana addiction treatment, visit Inspirations for Youth and Families.

    Addiction and Behavior Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

    Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Cough Medicine: A Dangerous Fad Among Young Teens

    Most parents seem to believe that their young teenager would never experiment with drugs, steal medicine from the family medicine cabinet or get peer pressured into taking an illegal substance in order to fit in with other teens. 

    The truth is, most parents are wrong.

    Available in almost every family household, and having a unique chemical compound which makes it impossible to detect with standardized drug tests,  cough syrup is a choice of drug for many young teens.

    Statistics shows that the majority of teens who abuse cough medicine are between the ages of 12 and 17, often consisting of seemingly “good” kids whose parents would never in their wildest dreams imagine their children are abusing cough medicine to get high. In most cases  teens abusing cough medicine are oblivious to the dangerous side effects of the drug.  Hallucinations, drowsiness, severe behavioral changes are just a few to name. Teens have shown up at the emergency room not knowing where they are or who they are, and the parents are terrified and have no idea what’s going on.

    Inspirations teen addiction treatment encourages parents to get actively involved in their teen’s life in order to be able to detect suspicious behavior and potentially troublesome friends. Parents should keep bottles of cough syrup and other medicine out of their children's reach and monitor their social circle in order to ensure they are not receiving mysterious gifts from friends that could land them a trip to the emergency room. Furthermore, they should present them with scenarios and situations where they might be tempted to experiment with drugs and teach them how to successfully refuse illegal substances.

    For more information on teen drug abuse, teen behavior problems and teen addiction treatment, visit Inspirations for Youth and Families. 

    Addiction and Behavior Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

    Addiction Treatment for young adults and adults: 1-888-387-6237

    When your Teenager is Lying about Drugs

    While being lied to by a rebellious teen may be enough to make parents  feel  angry, hurt or betrayed, it is crucial that parents focus on the underlying reasons why their teen is lying because quite often,  teens successfully attempt to hide their drug abuse from their parents by lying. 

    Chief of psychiatry at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco, Dr. Mason Turner, says “Most teens don’t think about what comes next, and concerns about the future don’t enter into their decision making.”

    Parents concerned about their teens devious habits regarding drugs should consider the following tips:

    1-Trust your instincts
    So often when parents witness “red flags” and other signs that indicate their teen headed towards trouble, they ignore their intuition. Some parents even go as far as blaming themselves for having obsessive thoughts and/or being too sensitive or paranoid. But the bottom line is, if parents go with their gut feeling, their bound to be right most of the time.

    2- Keeping up with drug trends
    Many parents suspect their teen is using drugs and is up to no good, but they rule out the possibility of them using drugs because they are unable to see common side effects such as blood shot eyes, slurred speech, etc. With over hundreds of drug variations in today’s market, teens are bound to use some type of drug that doesn’t carry the same side effects, thus fooling parents into believing they are “clean” and that their parents are paranoid. It is crucial for parents to do extensive research on common drugs circulating in their communities as well as informing themselves on different types of drugs and their side effects. 

    3-Not being afraid to seek outside help
    Having a teenage that uses drugs and/or is addicted may be stigmatizing and humiliating to some families to the extent to which they refuse to let anybody outside the immediate family become aware of the problem. These families often find themselves emotionally and physically exhausted when it comes to their child, but refuse to seek outside help regardless. Parents need to remember that just like they would take their ill child to a physician if they were to become ill, they need to seek the help of a certified interventionist, counselor or therapist who has been adequately trained to deal with delicate situations such as teenage drug abuse. By seeking professional help, families will expedite their child’s recovery and share their burden with individuals who know exactly what it takes to deal with teenage drug issues.

    For more information on teen drug abuse problems and teen addiction treatment, visit Inspirations for Youth and Families.

    Addiction and Behavior Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

    Addiction Treatment for young adults and adults : 1-888-387-6237

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Five Tips on Raising Teens

    While parenting a teenager and getting them to obey rules may seem challenging and overwhelming for most parents, using certain strategies may help parents reinforce their rules while maintaining a healthy relationship with their child.

    What to do when your teenager seems to loathe you
    Most parents feel hurt when their teen shout back and rolls their eyes in disrespect. Nadine Kaslow, a psychologist specializing in kids and families at Atlanta’s Emory University believes that a major part of adolescence consists of separating and individuating, and therefore many kids feel the need to reject their parents in order to find their own identity. Furthermore, Dr. Stuart Goldman, director of psychiatric education at Boston’s Children's Hospital believes parents need to remember that their children need them, and no matter how harsh their comments seem to be, or how stubborn they are, they still want their parents around and by letting their teenager know that they will always be there for them, they will allow their teens to let their guard down and confide in them.

    Limiting modern communication devices in the household
    Teens spend a great portion of their time texting, chatting and talking on the phone and consider modern communication the best way to keep in touch with their friends. It is crucial that parents don’t ban them from using the internet, phone and other gadgets but rather set reasonable limits such as turning off their cell phones during dinner and not using the computer one hour prior to bedtime.

    Setting curfews for teens
    Most teenagers will defy their curfews in order to test their parents’ limits. Goldman believes that parents should do some research and set reasonable curfews while allowing a 10 minute grace period. If teens continuously stay out past their curfew, stricter curfews should be reinforced and a family discussion should be held in order to determine where the teens are spending their time, and who they are spending it with.

    Monitoring a teenagers social interactions
    Bad friends can deeply influence a teen and effect the way he/she behaves both in school and out of school. Parents should closely monitor their child social interactions and make habits of getting to know their teen’s circle of close knit friends as this circle changes frequently. Parents shouldn’t hesitate to show disapproval of their teens friends if they have reason to believe the friend is a negative influence on their teen. Furthermore, parents can seek family therapy if they are unable to convince their children of their bad decisions.

    Dealing with teenage drama
    While dealing with dramatic teenage situations can be overbearing, New York adolescent psychologist Susan Bartell advises parents not to offer excessive advice or suggest that “one day they will see how immature and silly they really were”. Bartell says parents should "Just listen and sympathize and put themselves in their teen’s shoes, because after all, they were once there themselves”.

    When all else fails and substance abuse is involved
    Teenagers who are troubled are often confused and frightened. The defiance, anger, and rebelliousness reflect their confusion and fear. The first step in saving a child from a self-destructive path of academic failure, dangerous drug and alcohol experimentation, and even brushes with police is to realize you teen needs professional help.

    Inspirations Teen Rehab Residential treatment programs such as our teen behavior therapeutic programs along with our educational program are designed to take teens of the immediate environment where peer pressure and other negative influences might interfere with the therapeutic process. Many of the teens who come to Inspirations Teen Rehab have the primary need of individualized attention, and professional intervention offered by our behavioral therapeutical treatment programs.

    For more information contact us at: 1-888-757-6237

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    Teen Slang for Abusing Cough and Cold Medicine

    1. Dex or Drex. Street terms for cold and cough medicines with dextromethorphan.

    2. Dexing. Getting high on products with dextromethorphan.

    3. DXM. A common abbreviation for dextromethorphan, a drug in many cough and cold medicines; it's abused by some teens because it can cause hallucinations and dissociative effects at high doses.

    4. Orange Crush. A term for some cough medicines with dextromethorphan. It may stem from the orange-colored syrup -- and packaging -- of brands like Delsym.

    5. Poor man's PCP, or Poor man's X. Products with dextromethorphan, since they're cheap but can cause effects similar to those of PCP or ecstasy at high doses.

    6. Red devils. Another term for Coricidin tablets or other cough medicines.

    7. Red hots. A term for capsules or tablets with dextromethorphan. The term comes from their resemblance to the candy.

    8. Robo. Usually a reference to cough syrup with dextromethorphan. It derives from the brand name Robitussin, but it is common slang for any cough syrup.

    9. Robo-dosing. Abusing products with dextromethorphan, like cough syrups.

    10. Robo-fizzing. Combining cough medicine with soda or alcohol.

    11. Robotard. Another term for someone who abuses dextromethorphan.

    12. Robo-tripping. Abusing products with dextromethorphan. The term refers to the hallucinogenic trips that people experience at high doses.

    13. Rojo. Cold and cough medicines with dextromethorphan. "Rojo" is Spanish for "red," and refers to the color of many syrups and gelcaps.

    14. Skittles. Usually applied to Coricidin tablets with dextromethorphan, since they have a size and shape similar to the candy.

    15. Skittling. Another term for abusing products with dextromethorphan. It applies specifically to using Coricidin tablets, sometimes called Skittles after the candy.

    16. Syrup head. Someone who uses cough syrups or other products with dextromethorphan to get high.

    17. Triple C's or CCCs. A term for Coricidin tablets with dextromethorphan, which have three small C's printed on each tablet for "Coricidin Cold and Cough."

    18. Tussin. Another term for cough syrup with dextromethorphan.

    19. Tussing. A term for using products with dextromethorphan. It refers to cough syrups such as Tussin or Robitussin.

    20. Velvet or velvet syrup. Cough syrup with dextromethorphan.

    21. Vitamin D. Another term for medicines with dextromethorphan, often applied to Robitussin products.

     If you or someone you know is struggling with cold and or cough medicine abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab offers a flexible and affordable teen addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the teen to identify the factors that may have contributed to you drug abuse – home, friends and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.

    Reach out to us. Recovery from cold and or cough medicine addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:

    Teen Addiction Help: 1-888-757-6237

    Social Networking Websites Linked to Teenage Substance Abuse

    Columbia University’s Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) recently published a study that showed a positive correlation between drug use and the heavy use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

    In their study, 70% of children aged 12 to 17 who reported to have participated in some type of risky behavior such as using alcohol and/or drugs, also reported using social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace on a regular basis. Furthermore, according to CASA, teens who reported using social media were five times likelier to use tobacco, three times likelier to drink alcohol and twice as likely to try marijuana.

    While the use of networking websites doesn’t necessarily indicate a cause and effect relationship between the two, it is crucial that parents monitor their child’s computer activity and openly discuss the consequences of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other substances or activities teens may feel tempted to engage in due to peer pressure and exposure.

    Teen Behavior Problems and Substance Abuse Problems?

    Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment Center

    Young Adult and Adult Residential Addiction Treatment Center

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    What is a Baker Act?

    What is a Baker Act?

    A Baker Act is a means of providing individuals with emergency services and temporary detention for mental health evaluation and treatment when required, either on a voluntary or an involuntary basis.

    How are voluntary and involuntary Baker Act Admissions different?

    A voluntary Baker Act is when a person 18 years of age or older, or a parent or guardian of a person age 17 or under, makes application for admission to a facility for observation, diagnosis or treatment.

    An involuntary Baker Act is when a person is taken to a receiving facility for involuntary examination when there is reason to believe that he or she is mentally ill and because of his or her mental illness, the person has refused voluntary examination; the person is unable to determine for himself or herself whether examination is necessary and without care or treatment, the person is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself and such refusal could pose a threat of harm to his or her well being; and there is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment, the person will cause serious bodily harm to himself, herself or others in the near future as evidenced by recent behavior.

    Are there other criteria to know if a Baker Act is appropriate?

    Yes, there is an additional criterion for a voluntary and involuntary Baker Act not included here.  For example, a law enforcement officer may transport an individual to a facility for evaluation if there is reason to believe that the individual's behavior meets statutory guidelines for involuntary examination.

    What is an ExParte Petition for Involuntary Examination?

    If you are willing to swear in a Petition for Involuntary Examination that you have personally witnessed an individual causing harm to themselves or others, an "ExParte" for an Involuntary Examination can be completed at the Clerk's Office, Mental Health Division.

    What is the procedure for filing the Petition and Affidavit Seeking ExParte Order Requiring Involuntary Examination?

    A family member or interested person may fill out the petition and affidavit in the Clerk's Office.  You will need to provide proper identification and have personally witnessed the individual's actions.

    What happens after I file the Petition and Affidavit?

    Your sworn affidavit will be reviewed by the court.  If the court believes, based on the evidence provided in the petition and affidavit, the judge will enter an order for the sheriff to pick up and transport the person to the nearest receiving facility.

    When will the order be served on the person?

    The sheriff will make every attempt to take the person into custody and transport the person to a facility.  If the person cannot be located by the sheriff, the sheriff will hold the order for seven (7) days and continue attempts to take the person into custody.

    How long will the order hold the person in a facility?

    A person may not be detained for more than 72 hours.

    Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab is providing the Baker Act information above due to the high volume of parents questioning about The Baker Act and how it can help them in getting their adolescent to and addiction treatment facility.

    For more information on Adolescent Addiction Treatment Facility call:


    What is Prescription Drug Abuse?

    Prescription drug abuse is when someone takes a prescription drug that was prescribed for someone else or in a manner or dosage other than what was prescribed. Abuse can include taking a friend’s or relative’s prescription to get high, to treat pain, or because you think it will help with studying.

    Do you know or suspect your child is abusing prescription drugs? He or she might still be in the pre-stages of addiction, either way you know you can't wait to get help.

    If you have any questions, please know that Inspirations Teen Drug Rehab is here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen behavior, substance use, adolescent addiction, teen drug rehab, or other related matters.

    Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:

    Teen Addiction Treatment Help: 1-888-757-6237

    Young Adult and Adult Addiction Treatment Helpline:1-888-357-6237

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    Art Therapy at Inspirations Teen Rehab this Week - with Raquel Farrell-Kirk

    Body contour drawings that will be filled in to illustrate the impact of addiction
    on our clients physical bodies and on their
    internal psychological and emotional states. 

    Halloween is right around the corner. 

    For more information on Inspirations Teen Rehab Addiction Treatment Programs, visit:

    or call: 1-888-757-6237

    Underage Drinking Ordinance Curtailed in Kinnelon, New Jersey

    While many New Jersey municipalities have adopted tough laws on underage drinking in hopes of curtailing it, officials in Kinnelon, New Jersey have decided to foster a different approach.

    Despite disapproval from many sources including local law enforcement, officials in Kinnelon tabled an underage drinking ordinance, promising to create a committee to come up with an alternative solution. Police Chief John Finkle, who supports the tough ordinance on underage drinking, stated that the current statute did not deter juveniles from drinking on private property while the proposed ordinance would certainly have done so.

    While many hope the council adopts the ordinance and creates tough consequences on non-law abiding teens, such as license suspension and considerable fines, many parents in the community have expressed their disapproval. At a recent school board meeting, school board president Margaret Zybrick told parents and the board she believed underage drinkers should be educated and not punished when they made a mistake, such as drinking.

    "Kids are bound to make mistakes. I think the repercussions of their actions should be done in a way that they learn from their mistakes and are not brow beaten from them," said Zybrick.
    And while the community is divided on adopting the ordinance, it remains to be seen whether the curtailment of the ordinance and the adoption of other effective alternatives produces better results in the community.

    Teen Behavior and Alcohol Abuse Problems? Don't let your Child become a statistic.

    The younger your teen is when they start drinking, the greater their chance of becoming addicted to alcohol at some point in their lives. More than 4 in 10 people who begin drinking before age 15 eventually become alcoholic.

    It is important for parents to know the facts about alcohol and drug use and to be prepared, considering nearly a third of 12 and 13-year-olds has been offered and used an illicit drug. However, it’s promising that when teens know the facts, dangers, and risks associated with drug use they are 42% less likely to use them. 

    We at Inspirations Teen Rehab understand the unique challenges of being a parent. If you have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen drug rehab, teen substance abuse, adolescent addiction, teen intervention, teen behavior, teen depression or other related matters. 

    Reach out to us. Teen Recovery is just a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention contact us:

    Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

    Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237

    Friday, October 14, 2011

    Learn from a Young Lady - Understanding the Side Effects of Painkillers Can Avoid an Addiction

    With massive numbers of its young adults using prescription medication, West New York is looking at epidemic levels of prescription pill addiction.

    One time straight A student, Destinee Henderson, knows all too well about prescription pill addiction and its detrimental side effects. The all-American teenage sweetheart began taking prescription medication after being diagnosed with a female health disorder- endometriosis. She was initially given hydrocodone, then Percocet and eventually Oxycontin.

    This average all American teen, who was completely oblivious to the side effects  and addictive nature of the drugs she was taking every day, eventually noticed she was unable to function without the medication that would give her a powerful sense of euphoria she had never experienced before. Henderson’s life began to spiral out of control as she scrambled to find money to buy more pills and hide her addiction from her loved ones. She was forced to become a prostitute to pay for her expenses and eventually turned to heroin, a cheap alternative to prescription medication.

    Following her arrest for cashing a stolen check, she was offered the possibility of entering a drug diversion program designed to help individuals overcome addiction. Fortunately,  she graduated from the program a year and a half ago and has been drug drug-free since.

    Henderson, who believes she’s lucky to be alive after her ordeal, wants to share her story and warn us of just how addicting prescription drugs can be even when taken for prescribed medical reasons.
    Teen Prescription Drug Addiction:

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Recovery High School to Open in Southeastern Massachusetts

    With a large number of its adolescent population using opiates, and with addiction levels reaching epidemic proportions, The State Department of Public Health granted funds to establish “Recovery High School”, located in Brockton Massachusetts. 

    The school which is expected to open its doors in December, will be funded with $500’000 per year and will enroll as many as 50 high school diploma-seeking students ranging from 14 to 21 years of age. The staff will consist of a principal, four teachers and two counselors.

    Founder of the support group “Parents Supporting Parents for the families of opiate-addicted children” Lisa Murphy, believes the amount of  pressure teens experience to obtain to get top grades, scholarships and keep up with friends can be draw them to opiates. Her own daughter, became addicted to heroin at the age of 19 and has spent 5 years in recovery. 

    "I'm so excited about a recovery high school, many young people have no idea recovery exists until they are well into the addiction” Sorrenti said.

    Many believe that with the long-awaited recovery high school will professionally cater to the needs of vulnerable teens struggling to battle addiction, in addition to helping communities and families heal as they witness their loved ones receive the support and motivation they need to overcome addiction.

    If you are looking for an addiction treatment program for your adolescent, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab  in Florida offers Educational Program on Premises along with residential addiction programs.

    For more information on teen addiction treatment programs please visit:

    Teen Addiction Treatment and Recovery Helpline: 1-888-757-6237

    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Negative Impact of Drug-related Phone Apps

    A recently developed drug-related phone app has come to the attention of parents and counselors.

    The app which is known as “Roll a Joint”, allows users to create their very own virtual cigarettes; practically erasing the stigma attached to smoking marijuana and other illegal substances while encouraging them to go into the real world and perhaps roll a few joints themselves.

    The company that developed the app is known as “Full Duplex Packet”, or FDP Games., and it isn’t the only drug-related game they have created. Their 2 other apps “Smoke a bowl” and “Nose candy” all allude to drugs and can easily be purchased online or even downloaded.

    Dr. Hughes, Clinical Director of Inspirations Teen Rehab says that “Anything that would encourage people to use drugs at a younger age, or to start using a drug is concerning.” Also he believes that games with drug-related content promote drug use among the nation’s teens who are already being tempted by the media and their peers to experience different illegal drugs which could have dangerous repercussions.

    Stay informed about teen new trends of drug use, abuse and addiction by visiting our websites:

    or call:

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    Accepting that your Child can Engage in Substance Abuse, Can Help Prevent it to Start With

    Recent polls have shown that most parents under estimate the likelihood that their child would consume alcohol or use drugs. Furthermore, the polls revealed that only about 10% of parents believed their teen had used alcohol within the past year, which leads researchers to believe that most familiesdon’t have open communication with their teens or have extreme difficulty envisioning their child as one of the delinquents they often see on TV.

    Whether they chose to believe it or not, 50% of tenth graders reported using alcohol and marijuana in the past year and only a third of parents believed the percentage was 60% or higher, suggesting that most parents don’t believe young teens are engaging in such behaviors.

    Dr. Bernard Biermann of the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital believes that parents should never assume their teens are not enticed by illegal drugs and substances, and that it is crucial that they remain vigilant and openly communicate with their children about even the most sensitive topics. Biermann also believes that if parents foster the “not my child” belief system, they will lose the chance to be actively involved in their child’s life and might unintentionally turn a blind eye tothe potentially harmful circumstances their teens may end up facing.

    Is your child in need of help for substance use, abuse and addiction?

    We at Inspirations Teen Rehab understand the unique challenges of being a parent. If you have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen drug rehab, teen substance abuse, adolescent addiction, teen intervention, teen behavior, teen depression or other related matters.

    Reach out to us. Teen Recovery is just a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention contact us:

    Addiction Treatment Helpline for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
    http://www.inspirationsyouth.com/ http://www.inspirationsteenrehab.com/

    Addiction Treatment Helpline for Young Adults and Adults: 1-888-387-6237