Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Prescription painkillers overdoses which had cases isolated to adults over 20 years of age is now also a problem for teens in Utah. There are reports of teen prescription drug abuse in Payson and Cottonwood Heights.

Though Utahan health officials claim that the numbers of prescription pill deaths has dropped as far as 12% in recent years; many families are still suffering the detrimental consequences of having a loved one addicted to pain killers. In fact, according to Fox 13 news, 10% of high school seniors reported using prescription drugs on at least one occasion in order to experience hallucinogenic effects.

Many citizens, worried over the problem in their community have reached out to their local healthcare practitioners demanding precise pill dosage, in order to eliminate easy access to the excess numbers of medication left from a prescribed dose. Some have even suggested funding educational programs that instruct people on how and when to properly dispose of their superfluous prescribed pill killers, in order to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Many families of Utahan victims are now reaching out to the schools in their communities in an attempt to create awareness amongst young teens who may be tempted to succumb to peer pressure and follow this dangerous prescription pill popping fad that has the potential of taking their lives and obliterating the lives of their concerned families.

Many are hopeful that proper public awareness through diverse channels of education are key to decreasing and hopefully eliminating the causalities of prescription pill overdose and usage within the next decade.

Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:

Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great post. I am looking at working in a drug rehab facility. I wish that there were more resources out there to help not only the addict, but the family as well. It is especially difficult for the families in the area that you are describing. The cultural beliefs in the area make it hard on both the families and the addicts. I hope that people in these areas will become more encouraging and inviting to treatment.
