Monday, June 27, 2011

Teen Addiction Treatment in Wyoming

Teen drug addiction is becoming a common topic in conversations, news reports, health reports, and a variety of news and media. It is no longer a taboo issue. As parents and family members, teachers and guidance counselors, and anyone involved with the daily lives of teenagers approach the issue and dilemma of teen drug addiction, they seldom know where or how to find the solution to the problem.

Parents and teens both experience the pain of teen drug addiction. It is common knowledge that most teens struggling with drug addiction do not seek help voluntarily. In fact, statistics show that most teens do not recognize their behavior as problematic. Therefore, the parents or guardians of a teen are usually more likely to be the first people to initiate a move towards finding a solution. Solutions to drug abuse and addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help.

Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Wyoming may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be your only choice.

Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lowering the drinking age - Is this a age a good idea?

The answer to whether the legal age for alcohol consumption should be lowered to 18 from the current legal age 21 remains unresolved while experts, families and educators struggle to put an end to alcohol-related incidents amongst the nation's teens.

Those in favor of lowering the legal drinking age argue that the current legal age for consuming alcohol, 21, has clearly not been able to sway underage teens towards abstaining from alcohol. Furthermore, in 2008 more than 130 college chancellors and presidents signed a petition which supported the age reduction. They believe that proper funding in the education sector will educate teens on the dangers of alcohol abuse while allowing them to experience alcohol and enjoy it responsibly, as oppose to consuming it illegally in discrete locations where so much can go wrong.

But while the idea of lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18, and attempting to deglamorize alcohol in order to reduce alcohol abuse amongst teens seems appealing, many experts and families believe that it would be a step in the wrong direction considering the effectiveness of the law legislated in 1984 which raised the drinking age from 18 to 21 and lowered alcohol consumption amongst young teens. Furthermore, research has shown that delaying the onset of alcohol use reduces the chances of becoming addicted in the future.

For more information on teen alcohol abuse, teen alcoholism treatment, and teen alcohol rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Alaska Teen Addiction Treatment

Most parents recognize when their child needs help. Solutions to drug addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help. The decision of a parent to seek help is the first sign of change and hope in the midst of chaos, heartbreak, fear, and confusion in the home and life of the parent and teen. The act of seeking help is a powerful and motivating factor in working toward a solution. As a parent begins to seek help for a troubled teen, it is beneficial for the parent to recognize his/her efforts as a moment of change and the first step toward finding a solution. Every decision and effort thereafter can become a positive, rewarding step toward a solution to the problem of teen drug addiction.

Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Alaska may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be the best option you have.
If you are having a hard time locating and addiction treatment for your son or daughter, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can help. We will guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Prescription drug abuse up among Valley Youths

Legal drug abuse has become quite popular with youths and the results are borderline devastating. In the last twenty years, the number of minors reporting the use of prescription drugs has steadily increased in areas such as Clovis and north Fresno where drugs like Vicodin and Oxycontin are sold for around forty dollars on the streets.

Even though officials claim prescription drug abuse has increased among teens, no local surveys have been conducted to prove such a statement until last year when the California Healthy Kids Survey also included questions regarding the abuse of prescription painkillers among teens. The questions were added because school administrators reported frequent drug use by the students. George Rodriguez, a social worker with the Clovis Police Department claimed that parental awareness has helped bring attention to the matter and the results have been positive so far.

Many drug agents claim that children trust doctors' prescriptions and don't really think of addiction as an issue, not knowing that most painkillers have the same ingredients of heroin.

Children abusing prescription drugs are usually from middle to upper class neighborhoods whose parents can afford healthcare, making access to prescription painkillers easy and frequent. Parents who use prescription drugs should take every measure to protect their prescription drugs from easy reach. Most importantly parents should educate themselves in how to communicate with their children about the life treating risks of prescription drugs that are take without doctors approval.

For more information on teen prescription drug abuse, teen prescription addiction treatment, and teen prescription drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Hawaii Teen Addiction Treatment

Most parents recognize when their child needs help. Solutions to drug addiction begin with the most basic act of seeking help. The decision of a parent to seek help is the first sign of change and hope in the midst of chaos, heartbreak, fear, and confusion in the home and life of the parent and teen. The act of seeking help is a powerful and motivating factor in working toward a solution. As a parent begins to seek help for a troubled teen, it is beneficial for the parent to recognize his/her efforts as a moment of change and the first step toward finding a solution. Every decision and effort thereafter can become a positive, rewarding step toward a solution to the problem of teen drug addiction.

Due to their developmental needs, when choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program it is important to ensure that the program is specifically designed for teens. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment for an adolescent. As Hawaii may not offer specialized addiction treatment for teens, keep in mind that looking for treatment in another state might be the best option you have.

If you are having a hard time locating and addiction treatment for your son or daughter, Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can help. We will guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Drug Addicted Child – Don’t Be an Enabler Get Professional Help

Dealing with a drug addicted child may be one of the hardest and painful journey parents can go through. Getting advice from friends and professionals is one thing but to put that advice into action and try to prevent the child from slipping deeper into addiction is a completely different process.

Parents of drug addicted children often watch the child's personality and demeanor change. A parent's love is not enough to prevent this as the child no longer sees the parent in the same way. The people they loved and cherished have vanished and the only thing they see now a source of income - another way to obtain the drugs they need. The relationship has changed, the child the parents once knew has gone and love is not what it used to be. Although the child may show attention and affection, it is usually a way to get what they need.

A drug addicted child needs money for drugs and a place to live. As long as these two are provided chances are they may never want to drop the drug abuse habit. They may even be able to convince the parents they have stopped, just to start the cycle again. Parents of drug addicted children need to know that love and affection must take a new form. There is no longer protection in the home as this may provide a feeding ground for the addiction. Anything that could trigger an overdose or fuel the drug abuse habit must be cut off if the child is still living at home, and the safest way to support and aid any type of recovery is by the means of professional help for both the family and the addicted child.

Parents and caretakers of drug addicted children must realize that this not a phase that will pass on its own. If required, parents must acquire the appropriate help themselves before they attempt to help their child. Not knowing what to do will only add tension to an already painful experience. No family is immune to such a situation and all measures must be taken to provide help as there is no pain greater for a parent than burying a child.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab. Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ohio's Youth Drug Abuse Problems

Commonly known as “dog food” and boy”, and currently being purchased for as low as 10 dollars a hit, heroin continues to be the drug of choice in central Ohio along with other the parts of the state.

The Ohio substance abuse monitoring network which assesses the quantity and type of drugs available throughout the state, has disclosed that studies from June 2010 to January 2011 showed an increased availability in heroin across the state of Ohio, with black tar heroin being the most common form of the substance in central parts of the state. Furthermore, studies showed that in the Columbus region, adolescents as young as fourteen were seeking addiction treatment for their heroin abuse.

In addition to heroin, lesser known drugs such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD’s and ecstasy still constitute major problems for communities across Ohio. The substance abuse monitoring network also concluded that marijuana, like in most states, is Ohio’s most available drug, with widespread availability on almost every street and corner and its use transcending race, age and gender.

If you would like to get more information on teen substance abuse and teen addiction treatment in Ohio, visit Inspirations Teen Rehab @

Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab, is a nationally recognized, licensed residential addiction treatment center, for teens ages 14 to 18 and their families, who are struggling with the chaos of teen behaviors and the consequences associated with alcohol and/or drug addiction, which may include mental health issues, more commonly known as dual-diagnosis. At Inspirations Teen Rehab we understand your concern for your teenager and the changing behaviors causing heartbreak and fear for your teen’s safety and future.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Finding drug rehab for your teen in Oregon

Most parents recognize when their child needs help. If you have a teen struggling with substance abuse please seek help. Prevent a tragic outcome. Don't let your child become a statistic.

When choosing a teen drug rehab treatment program in Ohio, it is important to ensure that the program is specifically for teens - due to their developmental needs. Also, if the teen has mental health issues, the facility should be able to treat them at the same time. Some adolescent teen rehabs provide alongside addiction treatment an educational program which will help your child in keeping their school credits while away from home in a treatment center.

Choosing the right treatment facility is the most important step in choosing the right treatment. When looking for a specialized adolescent drug rehab, keep your mind open, as the best choices available might be an out of state drug rehab center.

Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab can guide you in the right direction in choosing an adolescent rehabilitation center that will provide the treatment and therapies specifically related to your child’s needs. If your doctor has recommended that your teen stay in an inpatient/residential addiction treatment program, we can help you get admitted. Give us a call and we will help you identify the most suitable treatment program for your child.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit us on the web.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Friday, June 3, 2011

Efforts in Trying to Reduce Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drugs continue to be the drug of choice for many teens seeking to experience dangerous highs off anything their medicine cabinet seem to offer.

The office of National Drug Policy is now considering the abuse of prescription drugs the fastest growing drug problem in the nation considering the alarming nationwide statistics which have become epidemic.

In order to properly dispose off the excess prescribed medication in medicine cabinets, Bucks and Montgomery counties in the state of Pennsylvania have decided to participate in a prescription drug "take-back” program which has been established to collect and dispose of the public’s left over prescription pills, in order to prevent their abuse.

Melanie Swanson, a prevention specialist with the Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania, hoped that this year’s “take back” program would just as successful as last years; hoping the program would help put an end to the abuse of dangerously accessible prescription pills in the community.

For more information on Pennsylvania teen prescription drug abuse and prescription drug addiction treatment visit Inspirations Teen Rehab @

Inspirations is an specialized treatment center for adolescents, providing addiction prevention programs as well as treatment and aftercare services for teens who are struggling with drug addiction. For those teens that have moved beyond drug abuse, Inspirations’ teen drug rehab provides recovery that meets teenagers at their place in life. In designing our teen addiction treatment programs, emphasis has been put on helping the teen and family establish recovery and learn the life skills necessary for the teen reach personal goals, academic goals, gain the insight and ability to hold one’s self accountable for decisions and actions, as well as capable of making appropriate choices, living a life without the impairment of drugs.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Teen Drug Rehab Programs in Nevada

Teen Drug Detox in Nevada / Teen Drug Detoxification in Nevada

Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Nevada. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.

There are a number of Nevada drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.

Teen Drug Rehab Nevada / Teen Drug Rehabilitation Nevada

Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Nevada, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Nevada.

Nevada Addiction Treatment for Boys

Inspirations Teen Rehab provides gender specific- boys drug abuse treatment and boy’s behavior therapy, in a nurturing and therapeutic environment. Inspirations Teen Boy’s Addiction Treatment Program provides opportunities for boys to share their experiences in gender specific therapeutic groups, where each boy can process male issues, experiences, and perceptions relative to each teen’s life. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Boys in Nevada.

Nevada Addiction Treatment for Girls

The number of teen girls using or abusing drugs and alcohol is equal to teen boy’s drug use and drug abuse. Girls are also smoking cigarettes as much as boys. Yet, the issues girls bring to teen therapy and teen drug abuse treatment are often different than as with teenage boys. Read more on Addiction Treatment for Girls in Nevada.

For more information on teen drug abuse, teen addiction treatment, and teen drug rehab programs visit Inspirations for Youth and Families, aka Inspirations Teen Rehab

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237