Licensed Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment Center with on site school for teens to keep up with high school credits while attending drug rehab. 1-888-757-6237
Monday, March 28, 2011
Virginia’s School Takes the Use of Any Kind of Substance Seriously
South Carolina Officers Train to Bust Teen Drinking Parties
The New Highs - Drugs of Abuse
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Pastor in Tennessee Addresses Epidemic Issues of Illegal Drug Abuse
MONROE COUNTY, Tenn., Pastors will take a public stand with a day of prayers in April 2, 2011 to address epidemic issues of illegal drug abuse, prescription drug abuse and their effects on children and families.
Pastor David Cooper’s gathering is inspired by the documentary movie "Appalachian Dawn".
During CCC News interview with Pastor David Cooper, he was asked what has lead him to organize this day of prayer and he answers : "Well, about a year and a half ago God put it upon my heart to combat drugs in east Tennessee. I know so many young people who have been on meth and oxycotton. Many of them have died. I happen to be the pastor that performed the funerals. God put it upon my heart to start praying and fasting about the drug problems in our area. Then the Appalachian Dawn DVD appeared and my wife and I watched it. We decided to show it to our church. After the church saw it, I really prayed hard about the next step. One thing just lead to another and its lead us to where we're at. We're just responding to the call of God, to be obedient to God."
Mr. Cooper has reported that there are other people involved in an operation they call operation P.U.S.H. Together they hope to combat drug abuse and addiction in the area.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Inspirations Teen Rehab offers a flexible and affordable teen addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the teen to identify the factors that may have contributed to the prescription drug abuse and addiction – home, friends and medical history. We believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
What Motivates Teens to Engage in Prescription Drug Abuse?
Every day, 2,500 teenagers use a prescription drug to get high for the first time. They're accessing these drugs in the comfort of home where they can easily reach to a cupboard, drawer, or medicine cabinet.
Statistics Show:
• 12 to 17 year olds abuse prescription drugs more than they abuse ecstasy, crack/cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine combined
• 60% of teens who have abused prescription painkillers did so before age 15
• There are as many new abusers age 12 to 17 of prescription drugs as there are of marijuana
Teenagers turn to prescription drugs because they perceive them as less dangerous than illegal drugs because this is after all, a drug that has been prescribed by a doctor. Because of this, teenage prescription drug abuse is on the rise. The good news is, as a parent, you can influence your teen's decision not to use any type of drugs. The majority of teens still report that their parents—not their peers or the media—have the biggest influence on their decision to stay drug-free. Use this influence to talk to your teen about the danger of misusing prescription drugs.
If you suspect your child is abusing prescription drugs, seek professional help and remember these three C's: that 'you didn't Cause, can't Control and can't Cure' your child's problems. But you can and must take charge if you find out your child is abusing prescription drugs. The earlier you act upon your child’s addiction problems the better will be the outcome for your child.
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Prescription painkillers overdoses which had cases isolated to adults over 20 years of age is now also a problem for teens in Utah. There are reports of teen prescription drug abuse in Payson and Cottonwood Heights.
Though Utahan health officials claim that the numbers of prescription pill deaths has dropped as far as 12% in recent years; many families are still suffering the detrimental consequences of having a loved one addicted to pain killers. In fact, according to Fox 13 news, 10% of high school seniors reported using prescription drugs on at least one occasion in order to experience hallucinogenic effects.
Many citizens, worried over the problem in their community have reached out to their local healthcare practitioners demanding precise pill dosage, in order to eliminate easy access to the excess numbers of medication left from a prescribed dose. Some have even suggested funding educational programs that instruct people on how and when to properly dispose of their superfluous prescribed pill killers, in order to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Many families of Utahan victims are now reaching out to the schools in their communities in an attempt to create awareness amongst young teens who may be tempted to succumb to peer pressure and follow this dangerous prescription pill popping fad that has the potential of taking their lives and obliterating the lives of their concerned families.
Many are hopeful that proper public awareness through diverse channels of education are key to decreasing and hopefully eliminating the causalities of prescription pill overdose and usage within the next decade.
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Inspirations for Youth and Families Sponsors Writers in Treatment Fundraising Event
Inspirations for Youth & Families ( and the owners Karen Walsh and Chris Walsh was one of the sponsors of this year’s Writers in Treatment Festival of Laughs in Los Angeles, California.
Writers in Treatment (W.I.T.), a non-profit organization founded by Leonard Lee Buschel, Robert Downey Sr., Vernon Scott IV and Heidi Lloyd is an organization that helps writers addicted to alcohol and/or drugs to get effective treatment for their disease.
W.I.T. along with Inspirations for Youth and Families presented its 2nd annual Festival of Laughs on March 8th at 7:30 PM at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, CA.
At the Festival of Laughs, Writers in Treatment honored Lou Gossett Jr., actor and the author of “An Actor and a Gentleman”, with the “Experience, Strength and Hope Award” for his artistic accomplishments, creative endeavors and carrying the message of recovery to a society struggling with addiction.
The award was presented by Tony Denison, co-star of “The Closer” and star of the groundbreaking series, “Crime Story.”
Special appearance by Joanna Cassidy (Blade Runner, Six Feet Under, Boston Legal, etc.) and legendary comedian Barry Diamond with impressive credits such as “Friends,” “Seinfield,” “Politically Incorrect,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. The fun-filled evening was a fund raising event to raise funds to provide addiction treatment scholarships for individuals in need.
By partnering with top tier rehabilitation facilities like Inspirations For Youth & Families and Cove Center for Recovery, Writers in Treatment can provide the highest quality addiction treatment care available in America.
For more information on addiction treatment contact:
Adolescent Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
Teens in Conrad, Montana Fight Back Against Prescription Drug Abuse
As the number of prescription-drug related deaths increase, Montana's teens are getting involved in spreading the word about what Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock calls an "invisible epidemic."
Research shows that when it comes to prescription drug abuse, Montana is one of the hardest-hit states.
Cynthia Grubb of the Pondera County Health Department noted, "We're the third-highest in the nation, 10% of Montana teens admit using prescription drugs within the last 30 days, it's the drug of choice for 12 and 13 year olds. Some of those things are just things that the health department shouldn't ignore."
Pondera County Health Department is teaming up with students from Conrad High School to raise awareness about the subject.
Brittany Greyn, a junior at Conrad High School, said, "We have taken notice that it is a growing problem amongst teens in Montana."
Brittany noted, "55% of teens can receive the drugs for free, just from...parents or relatives."
Many parents do not realize that their own medicine cabinet can be a source of a variety of drugs for abuse, says Karen Walsh, one of the co-founders of Inspirations.
The first step in helping protect your teens is to speak the same language they do. Knowing the vocabulary surrounding prescription drug abuse can help you take a proactive approach in communicating with your teen and safeguarding their health and safety.
Teenagers turn to prescription drugs because they perceive them as less dangerous than illegal drugs. Because of this, teenage prescription drug abuse is on the rise.
In conversations with your teen about drugs, make sure to include prescription drug abuse and why it's harmful. Tell them that taking prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs without a doctor's approval and supervision can be a dangerous—even deadly—decision. Dispel the myth that these drugs are less harmful than street drugs because they are available through a doctor or at the local drug store.
If you or someone you know is struggling with prescription drug abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Inspirations Teen Rehab offers a flexible and affordable teen addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the teen to identify the factors that may have contributed to the prescription drug abuse and addiction – home, friends and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.
Looking for a Drug Rehab Center for your Teen?
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs:
Multidimensional Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abuse
The pandemic of drug abuse amongst teens is ever growing. Families with drug abusing teens tend to seek therapy as effort to save their child, with little focus on the actual relationship. Multidimensional Family Therapy, or MDFT, is a therapy that engages substance abusing teens and their parents individually while building the relationship between them. According to two National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) randomized trials, this type of therapy has proven to have lasting benefits that extend beyond reduced drug use.
Teenage participants treated with MDFT were studied one year after treatment and were found to have fewer drug – related problems. Their behavior and mental health had also improved more compared to teens treated with CBT. Both teens and parents have separate sessions so the therapeutic process is effective for everyone. In sessions with students, the aim to establish meaningful therapeutic goals, foster motivation, and help the adolescents develop concrete strategies to solve problems and find alternatives to drug taking and delinquency. In their own sessions, parents learn about family management, parent – adolescent relationship, as well as parenting skills. "MDFT is a flexible and individualized treatment system rather than a one-size-fits-all approach," says Dr. Liddle. MDFT has been used for young (11 to 15 years old) and older adolescents and juvenile offenders. It has been applied in clients' homes, community-based clinics, residential treatment centers, and correctional facilities. In a statement to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Dr. Howard Liddle of the University of Miami, who led the two studies said, “We connect with parents in a way that recognizes their stress and the anger, hopelessness, and even despair they may feel about their child. Then we help parents reconnect emotionally to their child. This renewed caring is instrumental in changing parenting practices.”
MDFT and CBT are similar in results. They both aim to provide patients with skill not only to reduce the drug use. But unlike MDFT, CBT focuses on individuals rather than family development. Parents attend the first two sessions. The help their child assess the issues at hand and set goals for recovery. According to NIDA, the conclusion of these trials proved that CBT and MDFT have similar results. In the CBT group, youths dropped cannabis use to 7.5 days from 10 days and MDFT dropped to 7.5 days from 12 days. However in the months ahead, those in the MDFT group fared better. MDFT benefits younger teens as well. The results for MDFT in younger teens showed that participants were more likely to stay in treatment – 97 % in the NDFT group finished counseling as opposed to the 72 % of the CBT group. Dr. Lisa Onken, chief of the Behavioral and Integrative Branch of NIDA's Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Research says, "This is a very complex treatment, and the more we can figure out the essential ingredients—what is critically important and what is of lesser importance—the better we will be able to implement it in the community."
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Inspirations Teen Rehab offers a flexible and affordable teen addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the teen to identify the factors that may have contributed to the prescription drug abuse and addiction – home, friends and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, Multidimensional Family Therapy, or MDFT to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as parents and supporters.
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior
A study of college students has shown that critical skills related to attention, memory, and learning are impaired among people who use marijuana heavily, even after discontinuing its use for at least 24 hours. Researchers compared 65 "heavy users," who had smoked marijuana a median of 29 of the past 30 days, and 64 "light users," who had smoked a median of 1 of the past 30 days. After a closely monitored 19- to 24-hour period of abstinence from marijuana and other illicit drugs and alcohol, the undergraduates were given several standard tests measuring aspects of attention, memory, and learning. Compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention, shifting attention to meet the demands of changes in the environment, and in registering, processing, and using information. These findings suggest that the greater impairment among heavy users is likely due to an alteration of brain activity produced by marijuana.
Longitudinal research on marijuana use among young people below college age indicates those who used marijuana have lower achievement than the non-users, more acceptance of deviant behavior, more delinquent behavior and aggression, greater rebelliousness, poorer relationships with parents, and more associations with delinquent and drug-using friends.
If your teen is addicted to marijuana please seek help. Effective treatment of marijuana addiction, like all drug addictions, requires personalized treatment plan that not only addresses the specific drug involved but the addicted person's personality and circumstances of use.
Choosing a teen marijuana rehab treatment facility, involves the understanding of the facility’s personalized teen oriented rehabilitation program and how it takes into account the developmental needs of the teens. It is not uncommon for teens with drug or alcohol problems to be dealing with some type of mental issues too. The facility of choice should be able to treat those mental health issues as well.
Another important part of teen’s addiction treatment is addressing his or her educational needs. It is crucial to minimize the impact of treatment on the child’s education and his chance of graduating from high school, while away from home in the treatment center. For this reason, specialized adolescent teen rehab facilities, provide educational program alongside the addiction treatment.
Concerned about your teen abusing marijuana. Have questions?
Looking for a Drug Rehab Center for your Teen?
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs:
What treatments are effective for cocaine abusers?
There has been an enormous increase in the number of teens seeking treatment for cocaine addiction in the last few years. Treatment providers in most areas of the country, except in the West and Southwest, report that cocaine is the most commonly cited drug of abuse among teens after marijuana and prescription drugs. The majority of teens seeking treatment smoke crack, and are likely to be poly-drug users, or users of more than one substance. The widespread abuse of cocaine has stimulated extensive efforts to develop treatment programs for this type of drug abuse. Cocaine abuse and addiction is a complex problem involving biological changes in the brain as well as a myriad of social, familial, and environmental factors. Therefore, treatment of cocaine addiction is complex, and must address a variety of problems. Like any good treatment plan, cocaine treatment strategies need to assess the psychobiological, social, and pharmacological aspects of the patient's drug abuse.
Many families have overcome the plague of excessive teen drug abuse in their home. When their children have successfully completed treatment they become focused in their academics again, and often go on to attend college which would have been otherwise impossible the way things were going. Sobriety will bring the passion back into your child's life, and help them to achieve the goals that are important to them. Treatment will also give your child all the tools and support they need to live a life free of drug dependence and addiction.
Concerned about your teen abusing cocaine. Have questions?
Looking for a Drug Rehab Center for your Teen?
Reach out to us. For more information on our treatment programs contact us:
Teen Treatment Programs: 1-888-757-6237 http://www.inspirationsyouth.com
Young Adults and Adults Treatment Programs: 1-888-387-6237
Teen Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment
• Use of mood altering drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior to “block out” troubled emotions, along with a chronic relapse pattern for some addicts.
• Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, or unworthiness.
• Social isolation and patterns of self-neglect; ie, ignoring health needs.
• Under-reaction or emotional numbness.
• Attraction to or feelings of indebtedness to people who are dangerous, explosive or shaming.
Inspirations staff is especially committed to addressing trauma related problems during treatment. Often clients are emotionally or "spiritually wounded” by past experiences. Sometimes this is real and sometimes it is perceived…regardless, to the patient these memories are very real. This “wounding” can continue to influence choices and behaviors during our adult years. As part of the trauma treatment process, we provide intensive Trauma Healing Workshops. In these workshops, each teen is assisted in recognizing past significant events and traumatic experiences and then in reframing these memories to a healing context. Deeply held, unresolved feelings are faced and expressed within a structured protective environment. Following this workshop, teens often report deepened motivation to continue with the process of recovery.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the causes of problem teen behaviors, chaos in the family due to acting out teens, and teen drug and alcohol addiction. Recognizing and dealing with past trauma, allows the teen to focus on the process of changing behaviors, improving copings skills, finding solutions to problems, and working through the process of addiction recovery. Soon the teen recognizes self worth, self-integrity and hope. The recognition of trauma and treatment process is possible through an environment of trust, understanding and mutual support.
Inspirations Teen Rehab is a quality treatment program for teen post traumatic stress disorders, which may include medication, psychotherapy, narrative therapy, and solution focused therapy, as a preferred treatment method.
Visit Inspirations web site for more information on teen Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment and teen behavior treatment programs.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237[/b]
Adolescent Drug Rehab in Kansas
Adolescents face many unique problems. Inspirations addiction treatment program allows the adolescent to work through many emotional conflicts within the safe boundaries of our facility. Adolescents move through levels and are assisted in developing living skills, interpersonal skills and relapse prevention skills. In addition to the regular program, adolescents attend special workshops designed to meet their needs and attend on-site tutorial services to help them reach their educational goals. The setting at Inspirations is designed for our Adolescent Program by allowing room for exploration, meditation, and activities geared toward the high energy level of teens.
Inspirations program provides treatment for adolescent patients whose addictive disease, emotional and behavioral problems prevent adequate functioning in a less restrictive setting. Adolescents present with a variety of problems related to chemical dependency. It is the philosophy of the staff at Inspirations that these behaviors are symptoms of deeper problems that may include difficulties in the emotional life of the adolescent and in his/her family and peer group. This philosophy promotes the provision of a secure, structured environment to address chemical dependence, inclusive of these difficulties while encouraging independence and self esteem for the adolescent. It further promotes that every effort be made to involve the family in an intensive family program, as all members of the family are adversely affected by chemical dependency.
The multidisciplinary treatment team is led by licensed therapists and is composed of master level mental health counselors and social workers, addiction therapist, nursing staff, recreational therapist, and educational staff. All treatment is overseen by a board certified adolescent psychiatrist.
Inspirations treatment team meets twice a week and is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the course of treatment for each patient. The team develops comprehensive treatment plan that is individualized and meets all the needs of the patient. The plan also includes discharge criteria as well as aftercare plans. Parents, guardians and referral agencies are critical components of the treatment and aftercare process and their participation is highly encouraged. The patient is also an integral part of the planning process and may at times be included in the team meeting.
If your teen is abusing drugs reach out to us. We at Inspirations Teen Rehab understand the unique challenges of being a parent. If you have any questions, please know that we are here to provide you with support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions free of charge about teen drug rehab, teen substance abuse, adolescent addiction, teen intervention, teen behavior, teen depression or other related matters.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237